






One Year Update: Current Sleeping/Eating Schedule

One year update: current sleeping/eating schedule

I still can’t believe my baby is one! This last year was honestly the fastest year of my entire life. I feel like it was just yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital! This year was filled with a lot of learning and a lot of trial and error; I really didn’t know what to expect when it came to becoming a mom. I’ve learned so much along the way and shared a lot of those experiences here! You can find blog posts on our experience in the NICU, what to pack in your hospital bag, my top registry picks, baby nursery and monitor, our sleep training journey, tips for traveling with baby, and my breastfeeding/pumping experience.

Some of you asked to see what our current sleeping and eating schedule is, so I put together a little one year update and outlined that below, along with some different foods that he has been loving.

6:30 am: This little guy is an early riser, most days he is up by 6:30 and ready to go! I give him an 8 oz bottle first thing when he wakes up.

7:00 am: For the next hour we will play with his toys or sometimes head out for a morning walk with Rambo.

8:00 am: I feed him his breakfast, I will be sure to share some of what we eat for each meal below.

8:30 am: He’s usually done eating, we’ll play a little bit more and start getting ready for naptime by reading a book. These are some of his favorites!

9:00 am: He goes down for his morning nap. He almost always sleeps about two hours on his first nap.

11:00 am: Wakes up from his nap and eats a 6 oz bottle. Once he’s done I will get him dressed for the day and we will either play with his toys or try to get outside a bit.

12:30 pm: Lunch time followed by more playtime

1:30-2:00 pm: We read a book and get ready for nap #2. I usually try to have him down no later than 2:00, sometimes if he’s looking tired he’ll go down a little bit before that. This nap can be unpredictable, sometimes he fights this nap and other times he’ll sleep away.

3:30 pm: I don’t like him to sleep much later than that because I don’t want it to mess with our nighttime sleep. I will wake him up by 3:30 if he’s not already up and give him a 6 oz bottle.

5:00 pm: Dinner time followed by some play time or a walk

6:00 pm: We start bath time (He has been loving these for the bath!)

6:30 pm: He gets an 8 oz bottle and we read some books

7:00 pm: Down for the night


For a while we had a really hard time with eating solids. He was doing great with purees, but the actual solid food was a bit of a struggle for us. After a lot of practice and trying different things, we finally have overcome that hurdle (it took until about 10 months). I’m still trying to find different things to feed him at each meal, but these are some of his favorites as of right now.

Breakfast: Pancakes, blueberries and strawberries, oatmeal in the pouch. This is pretty much what we’ve been doing every morning.

Lunch/Dinner: I switch out a variety of foods for both of these meals. He loves pizza, vegetable quesadillas, buttered pasta, grape leaves, hummus and pita, guacamole, and mac & cheese. We have also tried turkey meatballs and still do the veggie puree pouches.

I’ve been doing some researching on more recipes to try so that I can incorporate more meat and some other meals into his diet. I will be sure to share them as we try them out. (I love this cookbook for recipe ideas)

What are some foods that your little one has been loving?








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