






Our Experience In the NICU

Our Experience In the NICU

I couldn’t let NICU awareness month slip away without talking a little bit about our experience in the NICU with baby boy. (I shared his birth story here)To be honest, I never imagined that I would have a baby in the NICU, but I’m sure most people don’t. The day I went into labor it didn’t even cross my mind that that is where he’d end up. Of course I knew it was early, but for some reason it just didn’t register with me the complications we could face with him showing up a month early. I kind of felt like I had made it to the point where we were clear of anything “bad happening”.

As we got admitted into our room there was a group of nurses in the corner of the room surrounding a little bed and they mentioned to us that they were going to be there in case he came out in distress. Honestly, I was in so much pain most of the information they were giving us was going in one ear and out the other. Once the epidural kicked in I could finally comprehend more of what was being said. When it came time to push he came out like normal with a big scream, but it was after that where things got a little scary.

After that big scream there were no more, and they quickly let Mo cut the umbilical cord and handed him to me to kiss him. It was only seconds before they took him from me and quickly started working on him in the corner, his little arms just hanging limp. Everyone was moving calmly, but so fast! I just remember feeling like something didn’t seem right. I asked if he was ok and they explained that he had some extra fluid that they needed to get out of his lungs. They did end up handing him back to us so that we could get a quick family photo, but again took him away, this time sending him off the NICU.

Our Experience In the NICU

Our Experience In the NICU Our Experience In the NICU

I told Mo to go with them and see if everything was ok while the doctor was finishing up with me. After some time he came back and said everything was ok, but they were going to have to keep him in there because he needed help breathing. After a couple of hours we went up to see him. His little chest was working so hard to take each breath and he had endless cords hooked up to him. They were literally coming out of everywhere! As we talked to the nurses and then the NICU doctor, I realized he wouldn’t be coming home with us. One thing I learned in the NICU is that they will never give you a definite answer on when they will be released. They told me it could be days, weeks, his actual due date; they weren’t really sure. For the next two days we made many visits to that NICU, while the bassinet in my room sat empty.

Our Experience In the NICU Our Experience In the NICU Our Experience In the NICU Our Experience In the NICU Our Experience In the NICU

Baby Maurice spent a total of 10 days in the NICU. Those 10 days were a real eye opener for all of us! The hardest day for sure was leaving the hospital empty handed. It’s the weirdest feeling having a baby and not leaving with him. Thankfully our hospital had cameras that you could watch from your phone all day and night if you wanted to. Looking back on it I really don’t know how I kept it so together. I had set it in my mind that I was going to take the time that he was still in the hospital to get things at home ready for him. Since he came 4 1/2 weeks early, I didn’t really have his nursery fully ready or some of the baby stuff I was going to need. My mom helped me run around getting stuff together for his room. Her and I would go visit him during the day and Mo would go up in the evenings so that we were there with him as much as possible.

Our Experience In the NICU Our Experience In the NICU Our Experience In the NICU

The biggest hurdle we faced while in the NICU was him being able to learn to eat and breathe at the same time, he would choke often while feeding. They explained he would have to eat 8 full bottles in a row before we were able to take him home; I felt like the day would never come! I will tell you this, if it wasn’t for those nurses in the NICU, I would have never have been so calm. They are angels on earth! Every time I left that hospital, I knew my baby was getting the best care possible.

While we were there they taught me everything I needed to know to feel comfortable bringing him home. It’s crazy how you have a baby and then they just send you home and expect you to know what you’re doing! Now I wasn’t just bringing a baby home, I was bringing home a preemie baby. They really helped prepare us, it was as comfortable as I was ever going to feel bringing my baby home.

Our Experience In the NICU Our Experience In the NICU

I hope that none of you reading this ever have to experience having your baby in the NICU, but if you do, just know what amazing people are taking care of your baby. Being in the NICU builds bonds with so many other people who have and are going through the same experience. And for all of the nurses and doctors who go to work everyday to take care of all the babies in the NICU, thank you. Thank you for all you do for not only the babies, but for also helping us worried parents feel more comfortable knowing their baby is being so well taken care of. You truly are amazing!



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