






To The Boy Who Made Me A Mama

A Letter To The Boy Who Made Me A Mama

Oh little one, where do I even begin! As my first official Mother’s day, I couldn’t be more honored to be celebrating this special day as your mama. This role has been one of the most rewarding and special. It has changed me in so many ways, and opened my eyes to so much. It’s true when they say having a child is a type of love you’ve never experienced before; like your heart walking outside of your own body. I would do anything to protect you and I know those feelings will never fade.

From the day you were born, I knew you were special. Being born 5 weeks early, it wasn’t your typical birth, but you were quite the little fighter from the start. The NICU nurses couldn’t believe how strong and active you were. Mama knew though, I could feel those strong kicks quite often in my belly! Now that I see that bubbly personality, it all makes sense. You are the happiest little guy around!

These last 10 months have been some of the best. I love our days together, and am so thankful that I don’t have to miss one minute of watching you grow. I don’t think I have experienced time fly as much as it has this past year. I get emotional just thinking about how fast it’s gone. I never want these days to end, I wish I could just freeze time. It feels like you were just a tiny little newborn, I blinked and now you’re a handsome little man. You’re so special to us all, you get away with things nobody else would with Rambo! I love watching you two together everyday. You are the perfect little addition to our now family of four.

One of my favorite times of the day is when I open your nursery door in the morning and am greeted with your sweet little smile. I cherish every cuddle, slobbery kiss, belly laugh, and precious moment with you. I will never forget one moment with the boy who made me a mama. You are so very special sweet boy, Mama loves you to the moon and back!





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