






5 Things I Do During My Morning Routine To Start My Day Off Right

How I wake up and begin my day usually determines how the rest of my day will play out. I thrive on a morning routine, so when I found one that worked with my new lifestyle I was one happy mama! I’m definitely more of a morning person, I thoroughly enjoy the quiet time. I’ve always been more of an early riser, but the last few years I got into the routine of waking up around 6:30 am and I get so much more accomplished. The little guy is an early riser as well, so I’m pretty much getting out of bed the same time he is waking up for the day. Some mornings I’ll try and get up a tad earlier so I can get a little bit of time for me before he’s up. These are some of the things I’ve been doing to start my day off on a positive note.

1. List 3 things I’m grateful for 

I just recently started doing this and I think it’s a great mood booster. It can be as simple as waking up to a sunny day. I think we can all find more than a few things to be grateful for, especially right now.

2. Make the bed

There’s just something about making the bed that makes me feel more put together and productive, I don’t know what it is! I will admit that sometimes on the weekend this doesn’t always happen, but for the most part I’ve been making it part of my morning routine.

3. Turn on some music and make a coffee

I didn’t start drinking coffee until about 8 years ago and now I can’t start my day without it. We recently got this coffee maker and we have loved being able to make lattes and cappuccinos as well. Music always puts me in a good mood! We have our google home in the kitchen, so I’ll usually put some music on while we’re having breakfast. Most mornings it’s baby shark in our household lol!

4. A little bit of self care

Three things I like to use in the morning are these eye patches, ice roller and Summer Friday’s mask. Usually I put my Summer Friday’s mask on at night and sleep with it on, but if not I’ll apply it in the morning. The ice roller and eye patches help to make me feel more awake.

5. Move your body

I always used to go to the gym in the morning, I always felt so much more energized afterward. (This HIIT workout was my goto!) Since having a baby things changed, but I have been trying to incorporate at home workouts during his first nap of the day and we have also started taking early morning walks with Rambo. We just recently started doing our walks earlier because it’s getting hotter, but it’s been a great way to start our day!

What are some things that you like to do as part of your morning routine?



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