






First Trimester Bumpdate: Weeks 1-14

First Trimester Bumpdate
  • How Far along– 14 weeks
  • Weight Gain– My last appointment 3 weeks ago, I was still down from my normal weight, which I’m pretty sure is from the food aversions I was experiencing. I have no fear that will change though, my carb cravings have been insane!
  • Bump– Currently non existent, I’m still not showing at this point, my doctor said that was normal because I’m on the taller side. Just waiting on you to pop little one!
  • Gender– We just got our blood work back from our genetic testing and the gender is in the results. We haven’t looked yet  because we’re planning on doing a little reveal, but the waiting game is killing me! 
  • Cravings– Pretty much anything not healthy besides fruit lol! Due to the acid reflux (which I talk about below) I’ve been having a hard time eating certain things I used to before I was pregnant. I have always been a pretty healthy eater, but that has gone out the window these last couple of months. I’m hoping that things start to slow down with the acid and I can’t get back into a healthier routine soon. I have been loving a bagel or toast and eggs in the morning, mac and cheese, tater tots, salt and vinegar pop chips, obsessing over watermelon!, I’ve definitely made a few In-N-Out runs and I can tell ya the babe loves it! I’ve been eating a lot more red meat than I used to, I rarely ever ate it before. 
  • Workouts– Another thing I hope to change soon because I really haven’t worked out at all since I’ve found out I was pregnant. When I went to my first appointment at 7 weeks, the doctor told me to hold off because I had some light spotting at 6 weeks and then at week 11 I was cleared to workout again. I have taken some walks around my neighborhood, but other than that not much working out has happened. Maybe since I put it out there I will start holding myself accountable now! 

I’m officially out of my first trimester (I was 14 weeks on Friday) and I’m hoping for that second trimester burst of energy I keep hearing about! From what most people told me, the first trimester is the worst of them all, and I must say I’m not really sad to see it go lol. I can’t really complain too much, but since this is my first child, I pretty much had no idea what to expect when it came to the symptoms I would experience. I wanted to share what I’ve gone through because I found it super helpful as I was feeling certain things, I would skim through other bloggers I followed posts looking for tips and tricks that had helped them out, and I wanted to be able to do the same for anybody who was experiencing anything similar to what I did. Up until I hit 6 weeks, I didn’t feel anything really at all. Honestly had I not missed my period, I wouldn’t have even known I was pregnant. As soon as I hit that 6 week mark, I felt a change in myself, these are the some of the symptoms I was feeling. 


They say that your first trimester you’re extremely tired and let me tell you they aren’t kidding! Getting ready was like running a marathon for me. I had absolutely no motivation to get up and get ready at all. In fact I’m still waiting for that motivation to return lol. My normal routine used to be in bed by 11 pm and getting up between 6:30 and 7:00 am, but I found myself heading to bed at 9:00 pm and sleeping 10 hours a night. I also took a lot of naps in the middle of the day, which is totally out of the ordinary for me, I have always hated taking naps. If I’m not getting something accomplished throughout the day I feel terrible and like I’ve wasted my day away, but one thing I learned was to let myself sleep and get the rest. I know once the baby is here I’ll wish I had gotten that extra sleep while I could! 

2. Nausea/ Food Aversions

Nausea is the one symptom I was so afraid of getting because I watched my mom be so sick with my younger brother throughout her entire pregnancy. The thought of ever having to deal with that just completely freaked me out! I ended up getting pretty lucky and only had moments of nausea that went away when I ate. Especially when I ate carbs I felt much better. The were certain foods that I had eaten prior to pregnancy that just didn’t sound good or sit well with me, which was kind of strange. I pretty much stopped drinking coffee at week 6 and have only had a few sips since then. Other than that I honestly can’t complain and feel super lucky. 

3. Heatburn/ Acid Reflux

This has by far been the worst symptom I have experienced thus far. I have never had acid reflux in my life, and let me tell you I feel immensely for the people that have this throughout their everyday life because it is no fun! I didn’t start feeling it until my 9th week and to be honest I had no clue what was going on. I would get this lump in the bottom of my throat and it felt like something was just stuck there. Mixed with how tired I was, I would be laying down and that’s a big no no with acid reflux, so it would literally gag me. It happened a couple of times randomly, but it wasn’t until I started googling it that I realized that it was acid. I didn’t always feel burning so I had no idea what was going on. Due to all of the hormones your body is producing it slows down your digestion and relaxes your esophagus which makes it easier for the acid to creep up your throat. My doctor gave me information on what was safe to take during pregnancy for it, so I started with Tums. Those didn’t seem to work at all for me so then I moved onto Mylanta and that helped me a bit. But I was still having moments where I would literally be dry heaving due to this gagging feeling. Weeks 12 and 13 it was happening every few days, so I talked to my doctor again and she said I could try Zantac. This past week that is what I have been taking and it seems to be doing the trick. I usually experience it in the evenings, so I have been taking it before I eat my dinner. Eating things like pretzels, bread, and potatoes have also helped. I’ve pretty much been staying away from garlic, spicy foods, tomato sauce, certain salad dressings, all things that I love and I’m missing terribly! I’m still getting a handle on this one so if any of you have experienced acid reflux and have any good tips I’d love advice. I’ve heard people say they had it and it went a while for a while in their second trimester, that’s what I’m hoping for!

4. Hormones

When we first got back to California from being home for the holidays I would find myself crying and upset. I honestly felt so bad because we had just found out we were pregnant and here I was moping around. I actually remember googling “is it normal to feel sad when you find out your pregnant”. After some soul searching and time I realized what I was feeling was due to the changes of moving and then finding out I was pregnant that had me so emotional. I literally kept saying I felt like I was mourning my old life! It was a lot for me at once, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I don’t do well with change; and I had just gone through two major life changes at the same time. Now that things have had some time to sink in and I’ve gotten a little more used to the new house and the pregnancy I have started to feel more like myself again.

Overall, I feel pretty lucky to have had the first trimester I did (other than the awful acid reflux!) When it comes to pregnancy everybody has such different experiences and I never believe it’s good to compare. But I know when I come across somebody experiencing just something a little similar to me and has some helpful advice to try out, it always made me feel a little more at ease and I hope I can do that for one of you! 



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