






What I’m Rebuying For Baby #2

What I'm Rebuying For Baby #2

What to buy again for baby #2? I have to say, having a baby the second time around makes it much easier not having to register for all the baby things! I can remember how hard it was trying to figure out what we needed for our first child, it took me months to put together our registry. After having our first and seeing what we actually used, I will give myself a pat on the back, we used pretty much everything except two items. (That wipe warmer really had no purpose!) I will link a post I did on my baby registry must haves here for any of you first time mamas. Hopefully that’ll help keep you sane while trying to navigate all the baby products!

Now that we have most of the baby necessities, I’ve started to round up a list of things that we will need to rebuy for baby #2. These are some of the things I’ve thought of or have been recommended from other mama’s I have talked to with more than one child.

We have the Lollipop Baby Monitor and have been really happy with it, the picture is so clear! I plan to buy another camera and use it as a dual baby monitor.

We have the Uppa Baby Vista stroller and I cannot say enough amazing things about it! It can be turned into a double stroller, which was one of the reasons I had registered for it in the first place. We will need to buy another rumble seat and the attachments to make it a double stroller. I’m also thinking of buying this standing board for Little Mo to use as well!

  • Pacifiers 

Obviously for sanitary reasons we will be rebuying pacifiers. Pacifiers were one of those things I was told to try different brands because every baby is different We had luck with the Ryan and Rose pacis and the Wubbanub pacis (I liked this brand, they’re easier to wash), so I will try both of those this time around as well!

  • Bottles & Bottle Brushes

Again, for sanitary reasons, it is recommended to repurchase bottles as well. I registered for Dr. Brown’s Bottles and Como Tomo and we really only ended up really using the Dr. Brown’s Bottles.

I think it’s pretty obvious that burp cloths need to be rebought. I really liked these from Burt’s Bees.

Last time I ended up doing a lot of pumping and do plan on using it again this time as well. I used the Spectra and was happy with it. I will make sure to get the battery operated this time around so I’m not stuck because of the plug. I was able to get mine for free through my insurance last time, so always double check with your provider.

I used this one for my first, so I will probably buy the same one for the next little guy. I’m thinking of trying this nail clipper this time around. Using a nail clipper on a newborn is literally one of the scariest things!

Definitely a total necessity for baby! We still use ours for Little Mo and I’ve heard it’s great for when they transition to a toddler bed to help them know when it’s ok to get up. Every mama needs a Hatch!

  • Bath Products 

I tried a few different brands the first time around to see what worked best. Another one of those items you never know what’s going to work best for each baby. I will try these three brands again; Honest, Burt’s Bees and Noodle & Boo.

You laugh now, but the best invention ever! That bum spatula is a life saver! They used this diaper cream in the NICU and I continued to order that after we came home.

I tried a few brands the first time around and Huggies ended up working out best for us. I had heard boys had less leaks with them, and that’s what I noticed as well. I love Pampers Pure Sensitive Wipes though!

We’ve been using the velvet hangers and I love them because the clothes don’t slip. These have worked perfectly for all of my little guy’s clothes!

I think that pretty much covers everything that I can think of at the moment. If you’re a mama of more than one, what are some things you rebought for baby #2?



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