






Our Current Routine & How To Make The Most Of Your Downtime

Our Current Routine & How To Make The Most Of Your Downtime

Since becoming a mom one of the biggest things I’ve come to realize is how precious time really is! Having a newborn I felt like I had no time for anything else other than taking care of my baby. As he got a little bit older we started to get more of a routine down. Once I got him sleeping through the night (I have a full post on our experience with sleep training here) and taking two solid naps a day; that is when I really felt like we had a good routine, which I must say we both thrive off of. This what a typical day looks like for us right now.

6:30/7:00 am – Wakeup, feed Baby & Rambo and pump

I’m currently still pumping every three hours throughout the day (I’m not waking at night to pump anymore). Recently I have noticed a decline in my supply so I think we’re nearing the end of pumping. I did a post on our journey with breastfeeding and pumping here.

8:00 am- Feed Solids

We started solids at 6 months and it’s been a slow process. At first he wasn’t so sure, now he loves the pureed foods, but we’re still working on getting him to eat finger foods.

8:30 am- Playtime

Playtime usually consists of playing in his Skiphop, Pack & Play, or on this mat with his new favorite blocks (he’s literally obsessed with these things!) We really try to switch it up so he doesn’t get bored.

9:00 am- Nap #1

While the baby takes his first nap I’m usually getting myself ready for the day, cleaning up around the house, doing laundry or working on stuff for the blog. I try to use every free second I get to try and accomplish some things on my to do list.

11:00 am- Baby wakes and eats bottle

11:30 am- Playtime

12:00 pm- Feed solids

12:30 pm- Playtime

1:00 pm- Nap #2

During his second nap I’m again using this time to check things off my to do list. Naptime is crucial for mama!

3:00- Wake and feed bottle

3:30 pm- Playtime

4:30 pm- Feed solids

If I feel like he’s being fussy or extra tired that day I will put him down for a quick catnap (at the most 30 mins). If not then we go back to playtime.

6:00 pm- Start bath time, get in pajamas

6:30 pm- Feed bottle, read book

7:00 pm- Down for the night

If I feel like he has been overly tired or fussy that day I try to get him down by 6:30 pm if I can. Once he’s down for the night I use my evenings to either finish up what I didn’t throughout the day, work on the blog, relax and get some quality time with Rambo. I’m usually in bed by 10:30/ 11:00 pm and fully ready and exhausted!

This schedule has worked great for us. The baby knows exactly what to expect throughout the day and so do I. I feel like I’m finally able to get things accomplished as well! Here are a few tips I use to help make the most of my downtime.

1. Make a to do list- Just be sure to not overload it and make yourself feel like you’ve accomplished nothing. I use this planner to help me with my to do list and I love it!

2. Get yourself ready for the day- I always feel much more productive when I’m somewhat put together for the day rather than lounging in my pajamas all day long

3. Eliminate the mess/clutter- My mind functions much better when my area isn’t in disarray. I always take part of my downtime to straighten up the house.


Who else thrives off of a good routine?









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